Chocolope reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Chocolope.
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First time rater long-time lurker.
Chocolope is the strain to write home about
Stage 1: Stoned, Stone faced, Numb Skull –– This strain comes in like a little creeper. It took about 10 minutes to kick in. I smoked it from some King size and regular size Elements pre-rolls. The first stage involves your entire head feeling numb. It's a very 'heady' strain but not necessarily cerebral, as you would feel after smoking a more pure sativa like Panama Red.
Stage 2: The active phase. I was talking (to myself) a lot and pacing around my condo like a madman. It's (sort of) like the same feeling you'd get from a cup of coffee only less coherent.
Stage 3: The munchies. I ended up making myself a huge breakfast about 30 minutes after smoking this.
Stage 4: The giggling stage, right before you fall asleep. This stage made me happy with this strain because this "effect" is exactly what I'm looking for. The euphoric "everything's funny" stage. I had a great time watching videos on YouTube with funny dialog.
The smell and taste is pretty faint. It had the faint citrus smell. It did get a little harsher as I got further and further down the pre-roll. It also had a very faint, smooth, chocolate smell and taste. Overall I'd say this is a good strain to pick up.
I picked this strain up from Canopi and it was $220 + tax for an ounce.
I’ve only had it via Bloom Farms Pax Pod. It has single handily improved my work life. One hit before getting into the office and I’m chipper, focused, productive and happy to make small talk. Kind of a waste any other time since it’s so subtle. All around a very high quality strain for those who can’t be total stoners.
Yum, very nice strain with my coffee. Woke up feeling like I'd been hit with train. I made coffee and smoked a little of this and wow do I feel much better. This strain has a wonderful chocolate, woody taste. It has a nice light cerebral high and light body effects just enough to iron out the uckys. Very good for early morning. I didn't have any anxiety with this strain. Not buzzy or racy. Definitely keeping this strain around.
Completely blown away!! Wonderful euphoria--unusually high--excellent anti depressive mental shift.
February 7, 2019
I've never heard of this strain before so naturally I was a little apprehensive before getting some. Chocolope delivers! Buds are nice and fluffy, not too dense or light. Very distinct and unique aroma. the high isn't super intense or immediate but will defintely open you up to social situations and functionality. Great Daytime strain. if you ever come across it be sure to try
This is my favorite Strain. It has a Great Taste. It tastes like a Reesee Cup with a Snickers bar. The high is absolutelty Amazing. It'll get rid of all the worried nerves in you body, you'll be so relaxed just floating somewhere HIGH up like a CosmicKite.
Pre-roll. Dry pop revealed a smoked caramel taste. The smoke itself tasted of fudgy-caramel mixed with coffee. The buzz is immediate, with a strong psychedelic/creative spark, that soon settled into a long-lasting, clear-headed high. The most unique strain I've tried yet.