Cannatonic reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Cannatonic.
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This is defiantly the best strain for my chronic pain. This batch tested at 13% thc and a whopping 9.6% cbd. the terpins are quite pleasantly citrus/pine mixture. leaving me with an overwhelming sense of relaxed mussels while getting nerve pain at the same time
Had an amazing batch of cannatonic last week.
After my regular place ran our of my staples I ventured off on a quest for the highest cbd I could find locally.
Found 1 place in town with decent prices, nah they are kick ass prices for a high cbd. The stuff I got was very low thc and 14% CBD.
Got home and ground a small amount and hit the roller with it.
Kind of harsh but enjoyable, muscle spasms are gone, and it is working on the pain.
Very chill, very relaxing and very pain management without giving you the stupids.
It is such an odd feeling to be using this strain, coming off of ones with more THC. There is very little of any psychoactive effect for me, and instead feel remarkably clear-headed, grounded, calm and much less tangled up in my own anxious thoughts. It’s like the anxiety-treating equivalent putting glasses on and suddenly things are clear. I would highly recommend for folks who find their anxiety irritates and agitates them to a point of action paralysis - I swear, this is the first time I feel like I can function normally again!
This strain has been AMAZING. I will definitely get some more of this. As a wounded veteran who struggles with social anxiety,PTSD and occasional panic attacks, this strain has been a godsend. I would Def recommend to anybody who struggles with these symptoms, to try this flower. Im old school, so I smoke flower EVERYTHING out of a pipe. Flavor was good and the effects for me are almost immediate.
keep in mind this is a 🌺 review. I don't smoke wax or anything like that.
Seems to be a 2:1 ratio (10% CBD/ 5%THC) on the strain I bought. There was about 5% thc and it's JUST enough to give you a mellow high, that lifts you off the ground but doesn't put you in the clouds.
if you're a beginner smoker looking to try flower for the first time, I would recommend this strain as it won't blast you to the moon and back.
I'd rate this strain an 8-9/10 as far as effectiveness goes.
This is my go-to ,every day strain. I am using cannabis to treat anxiety because medication always gives me negative side effects. I am very sensitive to THC and I have a very low tolerance still so almost every time I use anything with even 1:1 THC/ CBD I experience panic and anxiety attacks. I was determined to find strains that helped me and didn’t further intensify what I was trying to help, and this is one of the best. It doesn’t make me feel sleepy or drowsy and I can actually use it during the day and go do whatever I need to do without feeling disconnected or like I can’t focus. I don’t experience much dry mouth from it , less than with other strains ... no increase to my appetite or anything , either.
This has also helped with pain and headaches , so it’s been like a cure-all for me and I am so happy I found it. I use AC/DC as well which is also a high CBD strain but once I tried cannatonic I knew it was the right one for me for every day use.
This strain is amazing for anxiety. I’ve dealt with generalized anxiety for years now and have been on several different pharmaceuticals for it. After weaning off them yet again because of the crappy side effects I have happily transitioned to this. THC makes me anxious so it’s been hard finding a good strain to help me relax.
I still feel focused and not drowsy. Slight body relaxation. No anxiety!! Which for me is huge.
Cannatonic isn't about getting high, it's about stress relief and medication.
It's got a high CBD:THC ratio and that's apparent from the buzz and how long the effects last. Figure you've got 60-90 minutes from a normal dose. But those 60-90 minutes are excellent for relaxation and stress relief.
I suffer from Sciatica that's caused by adrenal fatigue. So I'm likely to be in chronic pain for 4-7 days any time I need more Adrenaline to get through my day, which means I need to limit my sugar intake :-( ...
But if I can smoke a bit of Cannatonic, I can usually ward off the pain and even if I can't prevent it, it definitely lessens the painful effects of sciatica.
Or if I can't sleep at night, because of pain or general insomnia, Cannatonic helps there too.