Blueberry reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Blueberry.
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Definitely a favorite and I like to always have it on hand. I love smoking this is equal amounts of CBD, the effects are awesome!! 14/14 is a good surprising high
The after taste resembles alfalfa sprouts.
It relaxed my body pains enough to get up and do weekend stuff around the house.
Sour 'n' sweet dankness! smoking some of my mate's homegrow rn, he has blue rhino trimmings but it smells like some old school blue cheese, its deffo blueberry esc tho aha, im a sativa guy myself so when i find an indica i love it, its like striking gold, it feels simialer to milkbone for me, very relaxed high that makes you feel like your melting, doesnt k.o you (which is what i look for, and the reason i prefer sativa), because it made me feel so creative i could have genuine good convo's instead of monging out. can be your dsy time smoke or night time smoke, i genuinely feel this strain is compatible with anyone.
Very intense body high and slightly euphoric. Cotton mouth is too much but the strain taste is naturally smooth. Would recommend as sleep aid and to destress.
I smoke one of these every night before bed typically nights before work or long shifts and it has me fresh and ready in the morning with a good focused mind on starting my day when I smoke it at night it helps me get straight to bed and sleep with no nightmares or tossing or turning it causes me to not have dreams but other then that any issues getting to sleep are gone and groggy mornings are gone as well
Great strain for evening/nighttime blueberry is relaxing, sedative and uplifting. Great strain for getting cooked with mates and do stupid shit, or for just chilling by yourself at night munching down on some food while watching something in bed. Blueberry is great for headaches/migraines and nausea as it has more of a predominate body high, this helps to elevate body pain and relax the muscles throughout the body easing tension headaches or body aches.
great for creativity has me buzzing around. day use pretty alright if ur looking to like design a garden or read a book - makes me feel like a visionary.
I thought that this strain lacked taste, and was a bit dry/burned my throat. But it’s high was very good when out of a joint! Personally I found that out of my bong this strains potential for its wonderful indacouch effects was cut short, where as the joint gave me the best effect. Not a bad strain.