Blueberry reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Blueberry.
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im not really an indica person, but i have to say this stuff is pretty damn good. its got that berry, sweet smell (almost disgustingly sweet) that i love so much. taste is definitely some berry but on a more herbal or tea side as opposed to super sweet.
for me its very hard to get any food down. i smoked some just as i started typing this and i am very much hungry now; whereas before just the smell of food was making me feel sick.
i do however feel pretty shakey, and this same effect i got last night after eating, so i can count my e.d out for this. it doesnt actually bother me -- its an incredible body high -- but this strain is definitely best for chillin.
as far as sleepiness goes, id say it works out pretty well considering i usually cant fall asleep until 3 am and last night was out by 1 after smoking a bowl.
overall i think its a great indica, and im very picky about those.
February 24, 2016
This is an Indica I will buy again and again. I've never complained about legal weed, but I might actually complain if my dispensary stops carrying this lol. First of all its one of the best smelling and tasting strains I've tried - wonderful fruity scent to the flower and yummy blueberry flavor on the exhale. The effects after one or two hits are mood-boosting without being racy - more psychadelic and cerebral. The pain relief is immediate, but so is the body-heavy feeling and couch-lock effects, so I didn't feel like doing much after smoking. I could tell immediately this is a high-THC strain, on par with GSC or Bruce Banner. I wouldn't reccomend this one for beginners, it gets a little trippy in high doses! ;)
I purchased 14g of this, grown by WW Agriculture. Harvested on 7/30/16, it was consumed on 1/1/16. There are no notes regarding pesticide use or grow location. It's budget weed, so while half of the nugs were tightly packed, well trimmed, and covered in sticky orange hairs, the other half were decidedly lacking in any of those traits. Still, for budget weed, this stuff was great. It certainly doesn't lack for potency, or for flavor, and it wasn't dry.
As for the high itself, I love it. It's relaxing, rejuvenating, and arousing. Perfect for setting the mood for a romantic evening, or for zoning out in a dimly lit room and listening to Zeppelin.
Blueberry is decent. It looks great under a light but terrible from a distance. What maybe dark looking is just shades of purples and light blue. Beige nugs lightly frosted with milky trich. Very light orange long scraggly hairs are some what scarce. Smells like flowers, hops, and a hint of lemon. The lemon and hops together smell like the blueberry. Effect is very sedated. Sleepy and slightly happy. Appetite got going 15 mins after first smoke, that's very fast for me. Awesome for a night cap alternative. I wouldn't use blueberry if I have important things to do. It's not an all day strain. Wake and bakes with blueberry lead to big breakfasts and napping in the afternoon.
Omg! The Aroma of this flower is AMAZING! If you couldn’t see the herb, and only smell it, it would surely trick your sniffer.
Bout to spark up now. Im in pain and kinda stressed at the moment.
Give it a few...
Mmmm, yep, tastes like blueberries, very smooth and doesn’t stink up the house. Nice white ash, but we notice it seems to create more smoke. Pain is subsiding nicely. Im beginning to feel my mind relax and my body become less tense.
(From spark up to about 30 mins after)
I will buy this again and rave about it to others.
9/10 on my board.
This is one of those strains that if you’ve been smoking/vaping for any decent amount of time you have to have tried it at least attempted to obtain it. If you don’t know about the Luda song Blueberry Yum Yum then you need to go listen to it now even if you don’t like rap; the song describes the amazingness of this strain clearly and concise.
The strain I have is from ACC Enterprises out of Pahrump and supporting local Nevada growers is a bonus for me. I wish the nugs were a little bigger however, this is a kief generator extraordinaire and smells amazing. The first bag on the volcano fills the room with the smell of berries and tastes amazingly sweet through 2-3 bags around 355-365. I up the temp to 375 for final bags and that is where you feel a bit more couch locked. I feel vaping at lower temps creates a more creative and euphoric high rather than let’s sit back and binge watch Netflix. This strain makes me want to listen to music or play my guitar (badly no bragging here) but it’s still fun.
December 10, 2017
Love this strain. I suffer from chronic insomnia, anxiety, and depression this helps a lot! I sleep properly, I am not over thinking or sad, it makes me feel like I am okay.
Wow, just wow...
Picked this up from Tilray and I am very impressed. The buds look amazing; small, dense and crystal all over them (they almost look white, kind of what I expected White Widow to look like).
The smoke was fantastic, very smooth and tasty, not citrusy but sweet. Usually I hack up a lunch when smoking higher THC strains but I didn’t cough at all.
The high was also fantastic, extremely euphoric with a little pick me up at the beginning to get everything going. I wasn’t couch locked, there was no spacing out, just a solid high that last a couple hours that didn’t leave you wired afterwards. 3 hours after smoking I was ready for bed and out cold almost immediately.
I highly recommend this strain!