Blueberry Pancakes reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Blueberry Pancakes.
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Literally tastes like blueberry pancakes. A perfect indica for a lazy, slow morning.
one of my favs!
feels like all my organs and bones have been removed and replaced with tiny unicorns dancing atop marshmallows while simultaneously farting cotton candy. So yea, it’s pretty good and I highly recommend 💨💨💨💨
This makes my day just a bit more delightful!
Instant favorite! The scent of this strain is amazing!!! Went on a trip to Seattle and the budtender recommended this gem! I sat with my face nose deep in the bag for 10 min just inhaling that glorious aroma!!! Almost didnt want to smoke it, Almost! The high was just as sweet and amazing as the smell! Went back to that dispensary 2 more times that trip just for this strain. Definite 5 stars!!!
Really really smells like mango, REALLY smells like mango asf. I opened the bag and was hit with a huge wave of sweet mango. It smells somewhat berry-like, sweet, and syrupy, but mostly a heavy mango scent. Every time i smell this weed, it's all I smell. Sweet asf heavy mango, and hints of syrupy berries.
Where the blueberry pancake taste really comes out.. is when smoked. The doughy blueberry pancake taste comes out and there's not much mango in the flavor, though still somewhat there, mostly just blueblerry pancakes that smell and taste nice and crispy. After being burnt, its aroma and flavor is very diff and more similar to blueberry pancakes. The first few hits are the most mangoey.
5 stars!!!! Incredible bud structure, smooth suede smoke, and taste exactly like (wild) blueberry and cake batter mixed, with added Grade A Dark Maple 🍁 undertones!!! A premium experience nonetheless, you will most definitely enjoy every aspect of this strain!!
Tried today and immediately it tasted like pancakes with a hint of blueberry. Very relaxing, eases inflammation. ⛽️⛽️⛽️