Blueberry Kush reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Blueberry Kush.
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If you are smelling and smoking the better phenotypes of this strain, you will discover that it is a true connoisseur strain. Nothing smells and tastes like it.
It is a deep sour candy blueberry flavor, maybe like the flavor of Blue Raspberry Blowpops, with a hint of lemon citrus and pine. The sweet flavor of candy blueberry doesn't come out unless cured properly though. If the cure process was done right, the flavor alone will blow you away. When you open the container, it will hit you and pull on your soul like you've opened a jar or bag full of magic. Everybody who I show it to says, "wow, I've never smelled anything like this before."
Now the high.... a peaceful psychedelic experience that has never given me any anxiety. For not being a super high THC percentage strain (but still strong, 19-21%'ish), it can actually still take you to another realm of being. It is a very smile inducing and music enhancing experience. Not couch locking, and you can still get stuff done if your activity doesn't require too much concentration. It doesn't make me sleepy - I'm surprised so many on here experience drowsiness with it as my experience is the opposite. But even as I lie awake within its peaceful embrace, I still have a positive outlook for the future.
You should probably obtain this from a personal organic grower or small scale organic farm, as they will most likely put more care into the curing process and really bring out the best attributes of this strain. I highly recommend it.
Amazing strain. Highly potent, very great taste, hits like a dream. Effects are slow to come on at first, but as you take a few more hits, you'll be eating some food for sure and then passing the hell out. Great for pain, chilling out, and sleep.
Source: me, cannabis user, who has c-PTSD, fibro with chronic back pain, very high anxiety, insomnia and has tried this strain in all its forms. I gotta say, the high potency oil is the way to go.
Yes, smoking $80 worth in a blunt is fun to do if you want to get the jiggly wiggles with your best buds and grab munchies and Zone out, but this strain is perhaps one of the most reliable medical-grade strains out there. Indicas don't get much better than this. Grandaddy purp, Skywalker, face off, GMO are decent but they do not hold a candle to this.
Now, I am going to sleep with no pain. Good night and good vibes!
Absolutely amazing for any back or joint pain great for early evening in small doses larger doses great for sleep. It helps with my pinched sciatic nerve amazingly! Also depression and anxiety surprisingly is probably the best choice for depression and anxiety in my opinion
Love cooking organic with the bbk helps me with my stomach. Been growing all kinddddzzz of bbk in my home
This strain hit HARD. Beautiful dense buds, with EXTREMELY potent skunky/fruity smell. The buds looked sugar coated - so many crystals it was almost unreal. After smoking this I was completely and thoroughly baked, and for a good long time. Really mellow buzz, but I warn you: smoking too much of this within a short period of time will knock you out. Unless you're a heavy smoker, I wouldn't suggest smoking too much of it if you plan on being productive haha but a really fun high overall. Glad I picked this one up for sure.
It's more of one of those strains you try, but might not buy again
I’ve found me thrills.... I know that is corny and shit. My 3rd review. Very relaxed. Feeling no pain at the moment. Gonna have a Ruben sandwich in a moment. I have an anxiety disorder specifically with posting reviews but feeling real good. Thank god for spell check. Gonna listen to some SRV and Casino soundtrack. Be gentle on me with the reviews please.
This review is coming from a person who pretty much gave up smoking weed when the kids came along, and that was more than a few years ago.
Back then, weed was weed was weed, or at least it was for what we could get our hands on in a small town. High was high. Stoned was way high.
Fast forward to 2018, and we're smoking it legally. Blueberry Kush was pretty much my first bang out of the box for me, unless you count the very rare occasion I've smoked lowly brother-in-law weed over the years.
So, back to the Blueberry Kush. This was the first experience I've ever had with a 'body high'. As an otherwise antsy person who cannot sit still, has a dose of OCD, and is wound too tight, I was pleasantly surprised to have thoughts of "Just sit down. Let's chill. Take it easy. Slow down." It was as though my body wanted to relax, and my mind, for once, went along with it.
I did not experience my normal high headache, and did not find myself pacing anxiously. It was quite calming. I also found myself saying incredibly funny things, which was a treat, because I thought I'd lost my sense of humor as life moved along.
That night, as the high wore off, I casually strolled to my bedroom, crawled into bed, closed my eyes, and smiled off to sleep. I slept like an absolute baby, and my Fitbit showed exactly that.
A nice experience I could enjoy, even on a weeknight.
Very pleased.