Berry White reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Berry White.
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A really pleasant and relaxed high, where you just breathe deeply and exhale all the stress. It doesn't quite make me fall asleep, but it definitely slows me down a lot. Basically, this strain makes mea huge couch potato.
March 12, 2013
Overall Opinion....A+
Progressive out near the Max line was great. They were knowledgeable helpful and had some nice V-day treats!
Berry White might be the best medicine I have had yet!
I tried this a long time ago and i remember it being very uplifting and painless. Yea, it was kinda weird how it numbed your whole body out, but it was good i give it a 10 for quality but it doesn't get you very high, as i recall it was kinda mild. I believe its an indica dominate hybrid, probably 3 parts CBD and 1 part THC. It doesn't make you sleepy though, but if you lay down on your own, forget it, your gone.
This is definitely some great medical herb. Very pleasant, clearheaded, somewhat euphoric/tingly high, VERY giggly. It just improves your mood a lot, I smoked this once and went to the movies (the end is near) with some buddies, I was laughing my ass off at everything. Just generally puts you in a good mood, the type of herb you could smoke after a long day of work. In terms of knock you on your ass/intense buzz, this isnt the strongest weed. If your looking to get waxed, you might wanna put this aside for more social/relaxed times, like a cookout or a walk on the beach.
Ok, Me and Berry hung out this weekend and i must say that this strain is like taking pain meds. You are numbed out and relaxed, makes you feel really really happy, it has a low head high, great for daytime treatment when you have to go places, better body buzz though, this strain is light but really nice. get a massage after a berry, it is the best! OMG trust me.
This is one of my most favorite strain its taste and high is one of a kind!
October 20, 2016
It is helping to send my anxiety away. I'm not sleepy, just feeling slightly dizzy. I could go to work right now without a problem, but not driving. Haha So far is my favorite!