BC Big Bud reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain BC Big Bud.
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March 9, 2016
attractive smell and taste. nice cerebral high....similar to pink kush. clean and enjoyable high.
Smells sweet and fruity. Tastes like fruits. The high is a cerebral high but with good body numbing effects. I'd say this is similar to a pink kush. Good day time strain but can be had at night as well.
Very nice bud. Definitely very Indica, but with good trips. Just sitting back and listening to music feels fantastic.
Top Shelf.
Good for all occasions & a great painkiller to match
June 24, 2015
more of a question, is there such thing as purple big bud or is it just called big bud??
because i got a plant from a friend and he said its called purple big bud but when i look it up ot comes up with a bunch of different strains but nothing about purple big bud.
Doesn't hurt my throat when I smoke and I can take tokes every now and then because of how potent it is. Great weed
Before you hit the sack, bring a gallon of water and a buncha munchies.
Tastes nice. The high was very nice. Helped with my knee pain and helped clear the mind