Amnesia Haze reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Amnesia Haze.
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Bro when I tell you this one hit different, it really does, first pull you take you’ll feel it. It’ll ease you into it. After about a few minutes it’ll take full effect. Half way in you’ll get the munchies. If you’re a first timer I really recommend you take small pulls but over all this gives you a calm high
Nice strain to have every so often but not all the time. Great high from it, feeling euphoric and uplifted. Only down side is, extremely bad dry mouth and eyes.
Amnesia Haze brings both sativa and indica effects. You can feel it both in your head and body. One or two hit is enough to feel its vibration. Very happy, clear head and smooth relax.
However if you hit mote than 5 and 6, then you can collapse. It presents a relax sleep.
Mentally Amnesia haze helps for having Joy and it gives peace in mind.
If you are eating savoury snacks, beware. Outside of that, quality kush!
In one word, magnificent! There are no bad effects. You are completely high. I also tried it as Edible, the result is excellent. You feel really high and you laugh. You have no chance of losing yourself. It's a complete sativa. You're high, energized, and laughing for no reason. It has been tried with many different people and in different environments. No one saw any bad results.
December 23, 2015
I could not visit Amsterdam without sampling Amnesia Haze. Ammo is a strong sativa with dry buds but sticky in the middle. This strain calmed me down when I smoked it after a long day of walking from various different coffeeshops and bars, but there was no signs of getting to a point of being glued to the seat. I found it did help me engage in conversations more, often talking nonsense, and it did impair my memory a bit, where I could recollect big events, but not every detail.
This strain has some of the worst flavour ive ever had but it gets me so stoned i can barely think.
Very thick smoke, made me cough alot even though I am experienced. Was very paranoid during the high and easily annoyed. Other than that decent high, very relaxed. would be good to enjoy by self or with very chilled out other person. alot less uplifting/ energetic as other haze strains too, so not too bad to smoke in the evening