Alien OG reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Alien OG.
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Strong head high, but really relaxed. Helped me get rid of migraines.
Absolutely AMAZING! Incredibly potent; most can only smoke 1/4 of a one-hitter. Sophisticated array of earthy and pungent flavors.
What a fun strain, I've never felt so amped.
if you've got nothing else, smoke it. if you have a choice, don't do it again. made my legs break out really bad with my circulation disorder. most weed helps it but this is like i just drank a 5th of alcohol, my right leg is more swollen of the two. i passed out again in the chair at my chill spot after one of the dabtenders shared a blunt of this with me. i'm NOT trying to sound ungrateful, but thank Heavens I got a dab of some GSC before I had to endure the torture of chiefing the leaf on leaf action.
May 21, 2015
Does hit pretty hard but it's such a great high. Definitely recommend it. Good flower.
One of the best OG's i've smoked, I've tried some flowers and it is just bomb. Very potent strain, every time I get my hands on it, (even from a distance) it sparkles. Great taste as well, almost piney, spicy/cinnamon kushy aroma. An Euphoric-Cerebral Painkiller, is the closest description for Alien's effects. Interesting choice for Wake n' Bake.
October 19, 2016
made me so relaxed, stress free and giggly. love this strain.
Love this strain! Perfect for people with anxiety/depression. A great day time strain that won't knock you out.