Alaskan Thunder Fuck reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Alaskan Thunder Fuck.
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Great strain if you don't have anything to do. It's the type of high where you find yourself in a wonderful conversation with a complete stranger.
May 1, 2014
This strain is definitely a very strong Sativa that hits hard and fast. Be careful with smoking too much though, you can induce paranoia if you aren't ready to be beyond a stoned head high.
This weed makes you feel extreme euphoria. After smoking this, you can't help but be in a good mood. Extreme amounts of energy lead to a mellow after high that is just right. One of my alltime favs
December 5, 2012
For a Sativa strain it is fabulous. Taste is beyond yummy and the strength and effects are far better than I thought for a Sativa. I prefer Indica, but this is a great strain.
One of my favorites. Gives a wonderful "choppy" effect, if youve ever played a game or watched a show with low fps, thats how i see it. Completely disables your brain, almost like alcohol, ive had times where 4 hours after smoking this i think im sober but im making stupid mistakes and I cant get my mind right. Really good high all around intense yet not anxiety inducing. This is some weekend/after work bud, I wouldnt smoke this if I had work to be done. Also on the comedown It leaves you pretty tired and gives killer munchies, which is either a good thing or a bad thing.
July 13, 2016
Great strain, probably top 5 sativa dominant hybrids ever. Immediate clear sativa head high but not mind-racing followed by waves of higher and higher euphoria. Everytime I try this strain it has seeds which impresses me even more. I can't wait to stumble upon a (close to) perfect harvest.
Needless to say the aphrodesiac effects ATF is rumoured to have are certainly present. This perfect hit of euphoria had my girlfriwnd "finding Dory" during our movie date if you know what I mean. (;
I felt like the happiest person in the world! This strain was pretty interesting I was so happy I couldn't stop asking questions to my husband and family. I vaped this strain and lets just say I felt no pain (I have chronic pain), felt no depression or anxiety. I felt pure happiness and love!