24k Gold reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain 24k Gold.
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A simultaneously mellow and uplifting strain; I suffer from severe depression and mild PTSD, so this has, so far, been able to balance between lifting my depression, but not setting off anxiety and panic. I'm very lucky to have found this one, and I can't wait to find a dispensary near me who stock it regularly.
LEG medicine. If your legs hurt and you are looking for relief 24k Gold Punch should be given a permanent spot in your medicine cabinet. The End.
This is one of the strains I always come back to. I always have what i call a “spiritual connection” with this strain. It’s magical. Whatever affect i need it for it always provides. Depressed out my effing mind? 24k gold and im uplifted and carefree. Feeling anxious? 24k gold and im grounded as the roots into the earth. Feeling art block? 24k gold and i could accomplish anything—all creative juices flow freely. Insomnia? Crank that up to a higher temp and knock right out. Eating Disorder making it hard to eat or enjoy food? 24k gold and im hungry and all the food i eat tastes like heaven. This strain is one i will probably rely on for the rest of my life
I love this strain! It's my go-to strain for late evening before bed. It feels so nice to sink into the couch or bed and let my mind wander in a relaxed stupor. I find my mood on it is directly influenced by my mood during the day and will fixate on either the positive or negative depending on the day. I do experience slight time shifts. I find it really helps me relax enough to fall asleep if my anxiety was particularly high that day. I highly recommend it.
January 5, 2018
The combination of Kosher Kush & Tangie makes an insanely enjoyable, mildly sedating hybrid.
Picked up half a gram of shatter by Nature's Medicines testing at 72%.
I actually read some of the reviews for 24k & decided to get it. The tastes unreal as well as the high...
amazing strain!!!
incredible. intense euphoria with head high followed by relaxing body high. the euphoria surges and just gives me this jolt then there's a come-down, settling feeling that makes me want to slouch on the couch. the cherry on top for this strain is its scent: citrus-like, like a fresh sweet orange scent. my favorite strain as of this instance.
May 13, 2016
I've been using this strain for nerve pain and insomnia,...slept like a baby last night because of this strain. Woke up refreshed not groggy. My new favorite medicine.
Unique is the best way to describe this hybrid. Sometimes I feel like people go overboard when combining strains, but this hybrid hits the nail on the head.
Form: Shatter
THC: ~70%
Taste 5/5 One of the best tasting strains period. The Tangie mixes with the Kosher Kush & makes it almost tastes like an orange tic tac on the exhale.
High 5/5
For me in heavier doses this provides a nice couch lock. In lighter doses it is a great muscle relaxant.