Kosher Tangie
Note: This strain was ingested via disposable concentrate cartridge (vape). Company is PA, Cresco.
I wish everyone in the world could smoke this at least once. It’s definitely not for everyone but something I think everyone should experience. An average kinda /mehk/ flavored initial smoke. Like, not good. Kind of sharp, stinky foot, cheese rind smell. It lingers and it sweetens. And as your mouth waters something happens between you smelling the smoke and tasting the taste and it’s tangerine zest. Sharp, spicy tangerine zest.
In a bout of ‘talking too much’ at the dispensary, I’d mentioned my colitis. The very patient attendant offered this as the staff pick mentioning the one of the educators with Crohn’s works a lot with this. I was sold. And now I’m sold!
It’s a nose tingle, but also a deep in the belly jingle feeling. Great for sore fibro joints and aching nerves.