
member since 2016

Recent Reviews1 total

Dr. Funk

For whatever reason, when I picked up a pre-roll of Dr Funk at Green Planet, I thought of Morgan Freeman as Easy Reader on Sesame Street. A more appropriate visual came to mind once the high took hold... which was immediately: Dr Teeth... he of Dr Teeth and the Electric Mayhem from The Muppet Show. I felt groovy... which isn't a word I would normally use, but the high, along with it's Dr Funk mascot inside of my head are served just fine by that word. Another word I would use is "smiley"... extremely so. While I did get a pleasant case of the giggles, the main thing I noticed was how much I was smiling throughout the evening (I smoked about a gram). It was just a click away from being head-lollingly blissful... Indica happy as opposed to Sativa elated. This smoke is great for getting stoned without getting blotto. And for looking up actors who used to be on Sesame Street.