Articles tagged with "dispensaries"
447 total articles - Page 16 of 45
Utah Moves to Scrap State-Run Dispensary System
The Associated Press - Published on August 22, 2019Read moreUnder a revised plan being written by Republican Senate Majority Leader Evan Vickers, medical cannabis would instead be distributed through as many as 12 private dispensaries.
Vancouver Island Compassion Society Closes After 20 Years
Jesse B. Staniforth - Published on August 2, 2019Read moreThe compassion society would love to reopen under legal terms, but Health Canada’s strict regulations make it hard to imagine the VICS as part of the legal cannabis stream.
Medical Cannabis Could Reach Louisiana Pharmacies Next Week
The Associated Press - Published on July 30, 2019Read moreAgriculture Commissioner Mike Strain said that if the product collected Monday is free of contaminants, medical cannabis could reach patients early next week.
CAFE Customer Charged With Possession of 1 Gram of Illicit Cannabis
Jesse B. Staniforth - Published on July 26, 2019Read moreRaids, barricades, and now this.
How This Chain of Illegal Dispensaries Captured the Hearts of Toronto
Soj Ramsay-Taylor - Published on July 25, 2019Read moreAnd what’s next for the rogue cannabis chain.
Cannabis Retail Guide: Fire & Flower, Kingston
Soj Ramsay-Taylor - Published on July 22, 2019Read moreCheck out the second legal cannabis store in Kingston, Ontario.
Illicit Toronto Dispensary Refuses to Be Stonewalled
Harrison Jordan - Published on July 19, 2019Read moreDespite multiple closure orders and physical deterrents, Toronto’s illicit dispensary chain CAFE won’t quit.
Alberta on Track for 200 Cannabis Stores by End of the Month
Jesse B. Staniforth - Published on July 17, 2019Read moreAs Ontario struggles to open its 24th legal cannabis store, Alberta is “really rolling.”
Cannabis Retail Guide: Fire & Flower, St. Albert
Deidre Olsen - Published on July 15, 2019Read moreSee inside this cannabis store situated in the city directly northwest of Edmonton.
Montana preps for big change in cannabis rules
Max Savage Levenson - Published on July 11, 2019Read moreA new law will let patients purchase from any dispensary in the state—but not until 2020.