470 total articles - Page 42 of 47
Alabama Introduces the Medical Marijuana Patient Safe Access Act: The Leafly Cannabis Legalization Update
Lisa Rough - Published on April 13, 2015Read moreFrom the Heart of Dixie to the Lone Star State, from sea to shining sea, the tide is turning towards marijuana legalization. Here’s the latest in cannabis legalization news:
Lawmakers Challenge the Department of Justice’s Interpretation of Congressional Medical Marijuana Amendment
Lisa Rough - Published on April 9, 2015Read moreThe Department of Justice appears to be misinterpreting a recent congressional amendment meant to protect medical marijuana activities in states where it has been legalized.
Swing State Voters Support Cannabis Legalization More Than Any 2016 Presidential Candidates
Lisa Rough - Published on April 8, 2015Read moreA new Quinnipiac poll of swing states found that the support for legalizing cannabis was higher than for any of the potential 2016 presidential candidates.
Florida Hopes to Fast-Track Medical Marijuana: The Leafly Cannabis Legalization Update
Lisa Rough - Published on April 7, 2015Read moreWe’re seeing both progress and some roadblocks among the conservative states aiming for medical cannabis. Here’s the latest in marijuana legalization and legislation:
Idaho Committee Revives Cannabis Oil Bill
Lisa Rough - Published on April 3, 2015Read moreIn a remarkable turn of events, the Idaho State Affairs Committee worked some magic on a cannabis oil extract bill that had been previously stalled with a tie vote.
Maine’s Cannabis Legalization Efforts Run Strong But Divided
Lisa Rough - Published on April 3, 2015Read moreToday let’s talk about a small but mighty state that’s got its sights set on establishing a progressive legal recreational cannabis market: Maine.
New York Releases Official Regulations for the State’s Medical Cannabis Program
Lisa Rough - Published on April 2, 2015Read moreAt last! The New York Heath Department has issued final regulations for a statewide medical marijuana program that should officially kick off in 2016.
Suspending Students for Cannabis Use Actually Increases Likelihood of Future Use
Lisa Rough - Published on March 27, 2015Read moreA new study released by the American Journal of Public Health examined the effect of school suspension policies for cannabis use among students, and the results are surprising.
New Study on Colorado’s Cannabis Edibles Confronts a Half-Baked Problem
Lisa Rough - Published on March 25, 2015Read moreTwo new studies by the New England Journal of Medicine outline some of the complex new issues arising in Colorado related to cannabis-infused edibles.
A New National Report Shows 72% of Americans in Favor of Cannabis Decriminalization
Lisa Rough - Published on March 23, 2015Read moreA new national survey found that the vast majority of American voters across all major demographics agree with lowering the penalties for cannabis possession.