470 total articles - Page 13 of 47
These Legalization Ads Just Might Sway Your Vote
Lisa Rough - Published on October 26, 2016Read more“Think of the children!” How can we not? This season’s legalization election ads are wall-to-wall kids and cannabis.
State of the Leaf: Turkey Legalizes Cannabis Production for Medicine, Research
Lisa Rough - Published on October 20, 2016Read moreAlaska’s cannabis industry deals with parking-lot problems, Utah warms to medical marijuana, and will the legal age for cannabis in Canada be set at 25?
What Happens if Both Arkansas MMJ Measures Pass?
Lisa Rough - Published on October 18, 2016Read moreIf both medical cannabis measures are approved by Arkansas voters, what happens next?
That Weird, Wild Stuff: Johnny Carson’s Sly Late Night Cannabis Battle with NBC
Lisa Rough - Published on October 15, 2016Read moreAlthough Johnny Carson loved make jokes about marijuana, the producers at NBC didn’t find it all that funny and warned him to keep it under wraps.
State of the Leaf: Delaware Lawmakers Will Vote on Legalization Next Year
Lisa Rough - Published on October 13, 2016Read moreCanada considers setting the legal cannabis age at 25, Queensland embraces MMJ, and new testing rules are causing an uproar in Oregon.
Ex-DEA Agent: ‘I See No Downsides to Marijuana Legalization’
Lisa Rough - Published on October 12, 2016Read moreTwo former special agents announced their support of Arizona’s Prop. 205 on Wednesday. Leafly spoke to Michael Capasso, former chief of the agency’s financial crimes unit.
Cannabis Summit Suggests Shift in Utah’s Stance on Medical Marijuana
Lisa Rough - Published on October 11, 2016Read moreA new medical cannabis summit in Utah examines the latest advances in cannabis research.
Reading Goosebumps High: A Spooky Trip Down Memory Lane
Lisa Rough - Published on October 8, 2016Read moreIn my teens, I was obsessed with Goosebumps books. I wanted to see whether they could withstand the test of time—whether cannabis would help or hinder the experience.
State of the Leaf: UK Says Goodbye to CBD—for Now
Lisa Rough - Published on October 6, 2016Read moreIdaho cannabis advocates look to qualify for next election, Illinois hits sales milestone, and say hello to Alaska’s first legal cannabis stores!
Why We’re Crushing Hard on Susan Sarandon (and Why You Should, Too)
Lisa Rough - Published on October 5, 2016Read moreAcademy Award-winning actress and activist Susan Sarandon has always been a champion for the cannabis movement, but here are even more reasons why we love her.