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Why Are Hand-Trimmed Cannabis Buds Better Than Buds Trimmed by a Machine?
Leafly Staff - Published on March 31, 2015Read moreIs there a difference between cannabis buds that have been hand-trimmed versus buds that were trimmed by a machine? Absolutely — here are three reasons why.
Weekend Weirdness: If You Smoke Marijuana, You’re a Slave to Vegetables
Rebecca Kelley - Published on March 28, 2015Read morePat Robertson, the former Southern Baptist minister and current host of The 700 Club, broadcasted to his followers that smoking marijuana is “slavery to vegetables.”
Suspending Students for Cannabis Use Actually Increases Likelihood of Future Use
Lisa Rough - Published on March 27, 2015Read moreA new study released by the American Journal of Public Health examined the effect of school suspension policies for cannabis use among students, and the results are surprising.
New Strains Alert: The Grunk, MILF, Holy Ghost, Sourlope, and More
Bailey Rahn - Published on March 27, 2015Read moreWe’ve added The Grunk, MILF, Holy Ghost, Sourlope, and many other new cannabis strains to the Leafly Strain Explorer. Check them out and leave a review if you’ve tried them!
How to Market Your Cannabis Business Part 2: Traditional Marketing Channel Opportunities
Leafly Staff - Published on March 26, 2015Read moreHere are a few simple ideas on how to use traditional marketing channels to your advantage and stimulate the growth of your cannabis business:
Cannabis Strain Highlight: Cookie Fam Certified GSC (f.k.a. Girl Scout Cookies)
Will Hyde - Published on March 26, 2015Read moreGet to know the cannabis strain GSC (f.k.a Girl Scout Cookies), a cultural phenomenon known for its high concentrations of THC and its sweet flavor profile.
New Study on Colorado’s Cannabis Edibles Confronts a Half-Baked Problem
Lisa Rough - Published on March 25, 2015Read moreTwo new studies by the New England Journal of Medicine outline some of the complex new issues arising in Colorado related to cannabis-infused edibles.
The best cannabis strains for depression
Bailey Rahn - Published on March 24, 2015Read moreSome cannabis strains have chemical profiles that are better suited for depression. This guide is meant to help match your symptoms with the right variety.
A New National Report Shows 72% of Americans in Favor of Cannabis Decriminalization
Lisa Rough - Published on March 23, 2015Read moreA new national survey found that the vast majority of American voters across all major demographics agree with lowering the penalties for cannabis possession.
Could Italy Be the Next Country to Legalize Marijuana? The Leafly Cannabis Legalization Update
Lisa Rough - Published on March 23, 2015Read moreThe cannabis movement continues, not just in the U.S., but at an international level, with Italy signing a motion to legalize cannabis and Jamaica leading the way towards cannabis reform.