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Excellent store was stopping for lunch and just stopped in to check it out and 20 minutes later I had my information in their system and was able to get back and talk with a representative and do it all on my lunch hour and get back to work on time! Everyone there is very knowledgeable about their products in really made me feel right at home..
When I walked in the gentleman at the front desk was super sweet and told me the deal since I was a new patient..
When I went to the back to get what I came there for the girls at their station all asked if I needed help and happily showed me my options. I had one associate offer me a treat to which I of course accept (Klondike Bar), lol.
The power went out and they had to wait to reboot their systems and what not, but during that time I happily sat there eating my ice cream and had good conversation with the staff. Good vibes and nice people, definitely recommend!
Great products but they don’t have a lot in stock. Mostly due to this being 1/2 dispensary’s in the North Port/Port Charlotte area.
Staff is helpful and friendly. They went the extra mile to help me contact my doctor when something wasn’t entered correctly in the system.
Plenty of parking and easy location to get in and out of!