I came in to this shop last week and it was an amazing experience, check out their wholesale menu! The prices are good but there in store deals blow everyone out of the water. Super clean, beautiful decor, dank product!, and very friendly.
The Budtender’s were so knowledgeable I went in thinking I knew what I wanted but left with exactly what I needed.
it's a clownish operation. put 5 things in my "bag" for a friend who's a newbie medical patient. all 5 items available all the time. it went through to checkout. 121 dollars and change for 5 items. wanted to see what the price would be with his medical card but it was too complicated.
he went there. they didn't have 3 of the 5 items. but they're ALWAYs on the online menu. we're talking strains. they're still on the menu, still in my bag. they didn't give him his medical discount. price was 48 dollars for 2 items. he went back to plead his case and save a few dollars, to no avail. guy was talking shit about how much money he saved because these iitems are alwayss 50% off Monday thru Friday. Canabiotica. That's bogus to begin with. Employee wasted several minutes of this 76 year old man's time trying to telll him he got a huge discount, without giving him his medical discount.
they tried doing the bait and switch last week on him, as a prior commenter noted.
2 thumbs down.