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Love Newe’s atmosphere.. everyone is very knowledgeable and always willing too use other resources too help with my questions. Wide selection of flowers and concentrates 😁
Very kind and unrushed atmosphere. Was very delighted to recieve excellent service and recommendations on the quality and information of various strains; given to me by a Tristin Ike. This stellar worker who went above and beyond to help me better understand which strains would be ideal for me since the first day I put in an order.
This place very good to me, my wife make me drive 22 hours to see the in-laws (yikes lmao). I drop her off with family and go out to "get some bread". Now I am a transgender Indian in my 50s, ive never done the marijuana. I ask lady at counter with many blue hairs "what is good for stinky in-laws?". She point me to "indica" so I decide what to lose right? Anyway, me, an Indian transgender in his 50s doesn't even remember the evening with her stinky family. will definitely be back next year!! Marinara is good for the whole family!