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If you're used to rec stores, this is going to be a new experience. It's smaller and more run down than most dispensaries I've been in, the budtenders knew their stuff but weren't pushy about it, prices were good, and product has been quality so far.
bartender was great, however they were about out of what i wanted, so i have some new strains that i know nothing about! however i think their recommendation was spot on! if I'm ever in capital hill or even mount baker, I'll visit these guys again! recommended for medical patients.
This is a cool little place tucked away on the third floor. This was my first time there and on arriving it had an old trap house feel. They check our id but it was only one at a time which kinda sucked because I had my wife with me. So I had to leave her in the waiting room alone which she didn't like. Once I got over that they had a nice selection. The budtender I had couldn't really tell me much about the strains that I didn't know basically only knew it was indica or sativa. The strains ended up being some pretty decent ones. I mixed and matched 7g for 65 I believe it was. Banana split was my favorite out the bunch. The strain Crackin had a lot of seeds in it. All in all its a cool place a lot different from the other stores I've been to but def will swing by again when I'm in the area.