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I don't believe you have been to this store if you are giving reviews like that. They have awesome deals on Tuesday for prerolls. And unlike most dispensaries they make there in-house prerolls out of all bud!!! The atmosphere could use some help but I've always found the staff to be more than helpful. Saying they have transients on their properties is simply not true. Judge much? I did some research and to call people criminals is just not right as such a broad statement. The only thing I found was unpaid taxes that have been resolved. So lighten up and give them a chance! They are actually a pretty good store.
This is a great store with really good sales and friendly attentive staff. Yes there are a few transients that hang out on the street but this is everywhere. As far as their owners and all of that. Nobody is crystal clean we just don't know until someone's caught but if they are open then things are being worked out. Personally I spend my money there and am happy
Garbage service owned by two fraudsters being sued by Portland’s snd citizens after loosing Secretary of State to defend there tax evasion . Do not do business with these thieves