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Sells moldy product, gives you more of the same molded product to “take care you” refuses to take back the moldy product and tells you it’s your problem not theirs.
(Confirmed by an associate that it was bud rot AND mold)
Reached out top the email as requested and have had zero response in 10 days on how they would address this issue. Apparently the resolution for them is to ignore the issues and continue their long lasting tradition of taking our money and not caring after the point of sale is completed... Very disappointing to see such a business with severely lacking Customer Service based in my community. Will not be coming back nor will anyone I've recommended over the years with out a resolution to this and I will continue to write poor reviews.
Sells moldy product, gives you more of the same molded product to “take care you” refuses to take back the moldy product and tells you it’s your problem not theirs.
(Confirmed by an associate that it was bud rot AND mold)
Reached out top the email as requested and have had zero response in 10 days on how they would address this issue. Apparently the resolution for them is to ignore the issues and continue their long lasting tradition of taking our money and not caring after the point of sale is completed... Very disappointing to see such a business with severely lacking Customer Service based in my community. Will not be coming back nor will anyone I've recommended over the years with out a resolution to this and I will continue to write poor reviews.