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Ok folks, when are y'all going to get some better flower? I love this shop for it's easy parking and location. I really like the employees. This Picky Patient is not liking the flower I have been seeing these last few visits. I was convinced to check out the AC/DC, at 12 bucks a gram. It tested at .08% THC and 22% CBD. As soon as I loaded a bowl, my fingers and hand broke out in hives. So whats up with that? lol anyways, Im not gonna give up on Cannabis LLC, because these folks are genuine caring folks, who have their hearts in the right place.
Green Med Wellness had $4 grams on Leafly, so I ordered a quarter ounce, but when I got there they would not honor the deal. In my business, selling advertising, if I tell someone an ad is $28, I can't go and charge them $78 when they give me their credit card. No, I have to honor my word. But I guess dealers still be dealers.