Huge selection of CBD products! Anthony is very knowledgeable on all products in the store and answered all my questions! Highly recommend to anyone! I personally take the sleep gummies and they work amazing!
Clean store, knowledgeable staff and fresh CBD products. If you live in Colorado you should try and visit this location. Honey Sticks and CBD flower are top quality and from Colorado.
When I went to visit Colorado to see my friends, I went to this CBD shop and the atmosphere, quality, and service were top notch. They explained any questions I had without problem, in fact it led me to learn more about CBD than I thought I knew. They really know their stuff. They also spoke to me very kindly and I chatted with them, made it feel like he wasn't just trying to sell me something; that he actually enjoys helping others. The person I spoke to had no problem telling me how CBD itself has no THC, but full-spectrum has a miniscule amount of .003%, so if I really need the extra help I could go broad-spectrum, that has no THC. In case I felt the THC would show up in a test. Overall blows out of the water, from all other CBD shops I have been to. So much so , that when I went back to California, I order from his shop to this day online.