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Thin Mint Cookies 1:1 Ganja Doses- [33pk] (99mg CBD/99mg THC)
Santa Cruz Mountain TopsGummies
HybridTHC 20%CBD —
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About this strain
Thin Mint is a hybrid marijuana strain that was one of the main sub-types of the legendary GSC strain. Dark green and royal purple hues peek through a heavy coat of crystals, with a sweet minty smell that gives a full explanation of this strain’s name. Thin Mint calls upon the powers of its indica, sativa, and hybrid ancestors for a powerful full-body effect that gives this strain its sterling reputation. The high psychoactivity of this strain is not for novice consumers, but patients with a variety of symptoms are giving Thin Mint their seal of approval: severe pain, nausea, swelling, insomnia, and appetite loss are no match for the potency of Thin Mint.
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