Logo for the brand Narvona


The Peak of Purity

Our story

Narvona is committed to bringing the purest, highest quality cannabis to our markets, without sacrificing any of the user experience. Just because cannabis is becoming a big business doesn’t mean that consumers should have to sacrifice that authentic luxury weed experience. Family owned and operated, with roots in Michigan, we are committed to ending the days of cannabis compromise. Whether you’re interested in medical cannabis or recreational marijuana, Narvona delivers the most natural experience available.

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  • MI, US: GR-C-000081
  • MI, US: GR-C-000082
  • MI, US: GR-C-000083
  • MI, US: GR-C-000084
  • MI, US: AU-G-C-000370
  • MI, US: AU-GA-C-000264