If you ask me, cinnamon and ginger are underrated contributors to the world of beauty. We decided they deserved a chance to be front and center. The anti-inflammatory properties saddle up to the Full Spectrum Hemp Oil for a real punch. Active knees and cranky muscles be gone! And the scent is out of this world. The fun part about this one? All the ingredients are sourced from friends and farmers – we can take you to visit the hives making your beeswax, if you’d like, or the farm growing and cold-pressing the olives into oil, and of course, to the farm growing the hemp in the Willamette Valley that lends the Full Spectrum Hemp Oil.
If you ask me, cinnamon and ginger are underrated contributors to the world of beauty. We decided they deserved a chance to be front and center. The anti-inflammatory properties saddle up to the Full Spectrum Hemp Oil for a real punch. Active knees and cranky muscles be gone! And the scent is out of this world. The fun part about this one? All the ingredients are sourced from friends and farmers – we can take you to visit the hives making your beeswax, if you’d like, or the farm growing and cold-pressing the olives into oil, and of course, to the farm growing the hemp in the Willamette Valley that lends the Full Spectrum Hemp Oil.
As life-long athletes — runners, triathletes, skiers, bikers and college volleyball players— we’ve developed our share of aches and pains over the years. The best relief we’ve found was from full spectrum hemp extract applied directly. We couldn’t find a product line that had a high-quality extract in the right concentration or blended with the purest organic ingredients — we were looking for something we’d feel comfortable sharing with our own families and friends. And from that, Hatshe came to be.