
member since 2016

Recent Reviews1 total

Pre-98 Bubba Kush

Okay so I've gotta give some background to my review: I've been smoking pretty regularly for four years, and I've tried many different medical strains for my anxiety/body pains. But lately I've been having some new issues with MJ that I've never had before... so this strain was a pleasant surprise. I don't know if my body and hormones are just changing or what, but lately I've become a one-hit wonder and very sensitive to pot. I'll smoke my normal amount and suddenly feel anxious or paranoid, even like I have to lay down with dizziness at times. I believe some of this has to do with the increasing potency of marijuana, especially at the medical level. Part of my issue is I think I stopped smoking enough to develop a high tolerance for these medical strains and so I decided to cut back on how many times I hit the weed when I smoke now. I've been searching for a really good indica (I stopped smoking sativa because of its tendency to increase my anxiety) with a body buzz. I bought this strain and just smoked a bowl of it and guys: oh my god. It's been weeks since I have been able to enjoy marijuana how I was enjoying it before I started to have all these issues. In my mind, I am relaxed and able to be rational when my anxiety is present. My body, in its places of pain, feels tingly and warm. I overall feel very mellow, non-anxious, and a little couchlocked, although I also have an itch to go to Target and stumble around buying things I need with a smile on my face. I feel a body high most in my lower back and sacrum usually, and I have a totally lightweight, beautiful tingling, warm sensation in this area right now. If you have any back pain or benefit from yoga, I would suggest doing some body stretching on this strain. My pains feel so much better now. And I'm not getting any of the anxiety, jitters, or paranoia I've been experiencing lately. I finally found what I needed with this strain.