Got Some of the Colorado stuff brought back to Texas. Hits hard like the Train, but is more mellow and down than the Train. Great Flavor, and Smooth Exhale... for as long as you can hold it.
Hits Fast, Hits Hard. A sure coughmaker, will make you on the up an up so hard that you'll look for shit to do. Always Been My Personal Favorite. Love Ya Train-Train, Always, Mr. Xervantez
This packs the punch that you would think a White Russian would pack. hits smooth, but hits hard on the effect, me and the home passed out after a nice wood pipe bowl. coughing is mandatory.
woah, that's all I got to say, for two reasons: 1: it is compact as fuck, so don't shoot your dealer, and 2: it hits like a motherloving boss! good for solo missions tho.