High just kicked in after 3 bowls. About a Nickle sized thick nug.
My first time with this type was bad. I didn't have a high at all. But this time I ground up this nug really good and took some good rips Cough Cough. And I am feeling fine. Good all over body buzz. Im zoned out in my head. Focused on typing this review. I feel care free and slightly lazy/ tired. Munchies yes.
Um I only got a wiff of the smoke. So I did like the smell. Sweeter with earthy. (wood) notes. I tried to say that as fancy as possible.
Obviously im pretty baked. I just want some chips and a tv.
So a pretty good Nug. Picked it up for 15 per g. And got eyeballed more like 2g. So i scored pretty good on that.
Also a slight numbing sensation. And Intense focus.