I have smoked this strain quite a few times, and it's definitely a hybrid.
I tend to experience more of the indica effects of this strain. It really mellows me out and makes me pretty sleepy. I get pretty bad munchies from this strain too, I can't stop eating! I don't really experience the intense psychedelic effects described here, though. I do notice I do some double takes because I think I saw something move or a patter seems distorted, but that's about it.
It does tend to also make me pretty euphoric, it's the most intense euphoria from weed I've ever experienced. I'll also find myself deep in thought, and feeling very nostalgic for summer time and just being with my friends with this strain. It's more of an internal high for me, I'm not usually quiet while high, but this strain just gets me thinking!
I do get a mild headache when coming down from it I've noticed, however.