
member since 2015

Recent Reviews13 total


This strain is a POWERFUL phycodelic stimulant. Honestly felt like shrooms!! (Well, without the whole the-walls-are-breathing thing)! I felt so giggly, talkative, creative, but at the same time totally spun out, and everything I was seeing felt and looked animated, like a cartoon. You start seeing things, thinking things, and your world becomes mixed together. For example, I had my head turned and was looking at a blanket blowing in the wind. When I looked at the TV, now the TV looked like a blanket blowing in the wind. They mixed together! Then my boyfriend kept looking like he was a cartoon! When he would turn to me quickly I could barely focus on his face and was tripping out on everythig moving and everything animating. This sounds scary, but mixing it with a mellow hybrid or indica made this a FANTASTICly strong high. I wouldn't suggest smoking this and only this, because it really feels like crystal+shrooms a little bit, but sprinkling this on top of your favorite weed will give you a NICE bump up. I have an anxiety problem and didn't get anxious with this, BUT I did start to get paranoid and I took it easy. Mix it up :)

Triple OG

Wow I really love this strain. Immediately after smoking you reach a mild, floating, happy head high. Soon after I felt like skipping to the park to play and run around. I feel so happy and productive on this, so playful and fun! I felt like dancing! I didn't get talkative on this at all though, just a LOT of quick thinking... wanting to think think think think. A lot of times my brain kinda shuts off when I'm high but this one made me think so much more! All happy thoughts too ^-^

Tangerine Dream

This makes me SO happy and giggly and feeling good. Instant happiness, instant high. We just sat on the couch, cuddled & giggled.


Immediately after smoking this I feel extremely relaxed, calm, feel my body buzzing and melting, felt great! Not a "have fun" kind of high, more the kind to help pain, especially useful for muscle pain! I like it, but it's just not my kind of high :)

Pineapple Express

WOW! This one is great. I feel so energized, talkative, and just happy in general!! We talked ALL FREAKIN NIGHT and I felt like doing projects, getting creative, just talking and doing! And BOY did we get HIGH! But I didn't feel heavy or slow or sleepy, but relaxed, active, energetic!!! No headache, no anxiety, it was awesome. BUT!! The high doesn't last very long, and I start to get very sleepy fast, and need to constantly smoke more and more to not become super sleepy. Also, I DID get hungry though, so my hungry was hard to ignore lol! It felt like I was floating in water super high in the air... it was incredible. More pls! Shout out to my cousin for recommending it!!

Blue Dream

Totally tied with #1 fav. I feel so giggly on this and it is SO MUCH FUN! Also, a little goes a LONG way... we only needed one nug the whole night! I

Cherry AK-47

This is my #1 favorite strain so far. It makes me SO happy, giggly, playful, talkative, silly, energetic and never makes me hungry or sleepy! I don't feel creative or focused, but I am having a great time! I would recommend this for going out to a carnival or some other active fun activity. We watched Braveheart and it was the best. day. ever. lol! I kept just feeling like I am the happiest I've ever been. It's really incredible!!! Definitely the giggly fun talkative type!! I noticed it's a little bit weak, too. Might need to smoke more than usual to get high

LA Confidential

This is a POWERFUL psychedelic... it's awesome!! We ended up watching Wallace & Gromit and having sex.. then passing out listening to music lol! When laying there listening... it was just WOW the images that kept coming to my head.. the creativity.. it was amazing! I felt very relaxed, but I didn't feel super tired. My husband, however, passed out quickly and fell asleep immediately! I very happily laid down just listening and imagining.. I really love this strain! The only negatives is that I got a bit hungry, but not that bad. I also have an anxiety problem and this did not give me anxiety at *all*. My #1 favorite thing about this strain is definitely the happy imagination aspect! This is the perfect strain to just sit and listen to music!

Cookie Monster

30 min after smoking this, the high was GREAT! I felt energetic, yet relaxed, i felt giggly yet focused, and I ended up playin some video games most the night, and all was good! The high was one of my favorites. BUT... during the come-down a few hours later, i started feeling anxious, nauseous and hungry. Usually when i smoke I can never really get *too high*, because it all feels great! Well with cookie monster I got "too high" quickly and started feeling sick. I don't like this strain too much because it's easy for me to go overboard and get too high and not feel great... It was a 5 stars when I was high, but a 1 star when i was feeling sick :( Oh and side note, the sex while on this was AWESOME! Also i had some pain and it did *not* go away when I was smoking this, so it wasn't really a pain killer for me, but my husband swears by this strain and it works very well for pain for him!


Definitely tied with #1 for my favorite!! I felt like I was floating.. I felt so light, tingly, uplifted, airy.. just floating.. It's an awesome head high! Very happy, talkative.. it just felt like i was in the clouds. I didn't get sleepy or hungry or giggly, just floating feeling very nice! Kinda hard to describe! I ended up playin video games all night with my husband ^-^ Also i wasn't able to get "too high" on this, so that's good! When I was super high it just felt like I was in the air! It was great :) Zero bad feelings except for dry mouth, which isn't that terrible! I would say that this strain has a high-functionality-floating-effect and a low fun-giggly-effect.