Nectar - Powell
Some nice flowers but almost all the stuff I liked was $15 a gram (and I'm an ommp patient) so that was a huge disappointment. When I tried to purchase oil the budtender told me I couldn't because I was just recreational. I told her I had my ID/ommp scanned on entry. She checked her computer and again told me I was just recreational. I gave her my ommp card and she walked to the front of the store to verify it with the front desk. As she was walking away she made another comment sounding skeptical that I really had my ommp card. Even after seeing it. I almost just left because she so awkwardly called me out like this in front on my friend and other customers, but decided to still get the oil. Right before I paid for the oil, a different budtender came up and offered me a free gram for first time patients. (Something the first budtender completely missed as well). Once I checked out, the budtender forgot to give me $5 back which further added to a mostly negative and completely strange experience. He gave me a free joint to make up for it, but I really won't be going in again.