I really enjoyed this bud. It smells like sweets and tastes just as nice. I got nice and high but not too monged. I found I concentrated really well on what I was doing.
Everything it says on the description on here is exactly how I felt. I felt off my head, like I could run around or climb a mountain rather than sit monged doing nothing. It's actually a 100% match for me on leafly is Gelonade and i always check the reviews after smoking so they don't effect my views. Good find in the UK.
Mine didn't smell of much, but the taste is mega strong and flavoursome. I enjoyed it alot. The high is strong and I never get sleepy from bud but fell asleep twice in one day from smoking this lol.
From the first blast it was mega fruity. Leafly says its an 82% match for me and it definitely is. I've not finished my joint so I can't say how it's made me feel. But I'm definitely high already.
Smoked for the first time the other day. I hadn't even heard of this strain and I've been smoking 20 years. When I smelt it for the first time I literally said "fuck off" it smelt that good. Mega buttery smelling and really sweet. On some of my joints I got a bit of a peppery taste too. The high was great, felt brilliant, didn't switch my brain off at all, just felt like I could do anything I wanted still.
Smoking Zours for the first time as I type. Really fruity and chemically at the same time. Potent. I feel instantly in a better mood than I did. And so far haven't felt a single negative.