My first journey as a squire was to the Gelato Caverns. I was still naive and not quite wise to the ways of the world then, it was a beautiful time of new beginnings, and no beginning more beautiful than my first taste of the Gelato crystal!!!
I had struggled to gain my magic powers, falling behind my classmates in the Magi Prism School of Magic. But!!! When I first tasted that crystal, deep in the caverns of Gelato mountain, the only place where this mythical crystal root, I was struck by pure magic energy. As instructed by my native guide at the time, one of the Crystal Gelato Cave Dwellers, I stuck out my arm as of to offer an invisible person something. And there, from my very fingertips, shot pure magical essence! Raw arcana!
Suffice to say, I no longer struggled to get it up from that point on! (Magically speaking, of course. No worries in the department ladies, *winks*)