So far its great
At first I wanted to garden but after smoking roughly .80 gram by myself yesterday morning-I got tired
My mood was lifted, I didn’t have or get any anxiety
Oh yeah- I ate everything that was within reach, basically all the snacks I hide from my locust children (hey they’re 18+, they can get their own munchies)
I am not so sure about how it helped my lower back pain and hip bursitis
But! It must help more than I realized…
because halfway through smoking this behemoth preroll—my energy spiked and I did go do things in my garden that I know will cause more pain
So, yeah I guess it truly does help with pain, fatigue and anxiety I don’t remember being silly or wanting to tell jokes like I do when I smoke Red Biscotti😂
For the past 2 days I had a nagging headache- my pain medicine didn’t help & my neck was starting to hurt as well.
I honestly purchased Consumption because it helps me forget about my pain for awhile & gives me enough energy to get stuff done while I’m forgetting about the pain!
I tried my vape of Strawberry Tangie (sativa) but it wasn’t working on low fast enough.
I wasn’t sure if smoking flower would cause the headache to become a migraine so I was a little hesitant.
I came to Leafly, read everything about the strain- every review too- thank you everyone for helping me make a well chosen decision!
I remembered I had put a preroll of this aside for days I need a huge creative boost & smoked about half a gram.
Thank you again!
Make sure you know what you’re smoking it for-this smoke can go either way- you can get juiced and start working physically or relax and chill, get creative.
I feel good, no more neck pain no more headache- all I need now are my headphones & my painting stuff (w/o interruptions ) and snacks
Leafly please create a very angry face for us to click on under feelings/effects!
Even though I absolutely love the pain free energy & clear headedness I get when I smoke AK-47- it makes me want to argue. If I’m outside working in the yard alone, bad- mean angry thoughts about everything & everyone will consume my brain. I try to drown it out with music but it doesn’t help. And anxiety.
I smoked about .75g rolled (alone, in the garden) and less than 30 minutes later I was struggling to stay positive but the more I tried, I realized I was literally clenching my teeth. Felt like I had a tic where I wanted to bite my own face off.
Sadly this helps me with energy & helps my pain so well that I still smoke it. Sometimes if I hit a few puffs of a sunshine cannabis cartridge Sunshine Haze (high thc sativa) - it calms my face down, the anger is still there. Nothing at all like how I feel with cherry Ak - that’s a great strain for pain with no anx..
Guess I’ll go hit my vape before my cheeks stay permanently sucked in looking like I been eating lemons 🥺
This was my first time smoking Bubble Gum, I tried it once before but as a ground TL strain they named Heavy Bubble (Bubble Gum x 9lb Hammer) - I think my jar was indica dominant because it made me tired.
Today I felt totally down, my pain meds felt like baby aspirin, my attitude sucked. I remembered I had bought this to add to some 9lb hammer I had left over for nights I can’t sleep but didn’t get around to it.
Since it was 9:00 am, I decided to try BG strain alone to see if it really does help with fatigue. I smoked a little more than half a joint but should have stopped halfway. I felt the mental clarity & a nice burst of energy, I feel my pain but it’s not as acute? And when I exhaled really slowly I could definitely taste the bubble gum flavor.
It’s pretty smooth, it didn’t try to choke me out. My friend stopped over for a second & I was really chatty- I’m not a morning person at all- so I kept smoking w/o realizing it until she pointed it out to me - “You’re smoking that like a cigarette “
So I believe if I had stopped earlier, I’d be doing more energetic things than laying on my bed, drinking coffee, listening to The Weeknd & writing a review- instead of the shower I was headed for an hour ago.
Imo: I would definitely recommend Bubble Gum to anyone who has PTSD, severe anxiety, bad mood, chronic pain, spasms…
And go slow! Especially if you’re new to smoking or are prone to panic attacks, this one will creep up so fast, you’ll be smoking but you don’t even know it-
I smoke as much flower as I can a day-as much as time allows and I can see how Bubble Gum could throw me into a bad place real quick.
I love this & will buy it every time I can find it.
I have pain in my lower back, neck and hips every waking moment. Sometimes my pain pills don’t feel like they’re doing their job, I feel like I took baby aspirin.
I’ve been trying to find a strain that helps with pain but doesn’t make me sleepy or too goofy if I don’t want to be. I think I’ve bought almost every strain on my dispensary’s menu & have finally found several that help greatly but some strains don’t come around as often as I need them too.
I heard about the incredible medicinal qualities Green Crack provides from a friend in Colorado but have never seen it offered at my dispensary. So when I saw Green Dream, I already knew what Blue Dream helped me with so I bought a few vape carts and I’m so happy I did.
Not only does it help take the edge off my pain, it helps me forget about it. Green Dream doesn’t make you tired at all but you might want to be in bed with your partner because this strain will keep you aroused. After a few days of vaping this strain I noticed how much I want to draw, paint, do some arts & crafts with my teenagers
it helps with my adhd and bipolar and most definitely helps my anxiety/ptsd.
If you see this in vape, I highly recommend it even if you don’t have pain- but don’t vape too much all day because when I do this, it’s like I drank a few shots of Crown Royal really fast.. I get stumbly, drop things, laugh, no cares in the world. I can’t walk a straight line- it’s like being drunk without the side effects.
I love the staff, some will go above and beyond helping and (very few) others just want to get you out of their face and on to the next person. The manager is awesome- she’s very attentive & empathetic when the online orders get messed up. Sadly their stock fluctuates & if they have less than 20 of a product in stock, you’ll have to go in to see if they will look for it. Some workers will others refuse. Seems like they are always having system issues or updates before major holiday sales. If they lose me as a customer- it’ll be because of 4 of my last online orders were totally whacked. If I decide to stay a customer, it’s because of the manager.