
member since 2015

Recent Reviews4 total

Alien Walker

Do you want to clean your kitchen? Ewok can do that. Do you want to play Diablo 3 for 3 hours? Ewok can do that. Need to sleep, have nausea, feeling pain / itching, or other minor ailments? Hey, Ewok can do that too! This has replaced Blue Dream as my go-to general strain; I've never found a more versatile hybrid. My first ounce of anything was Ewok; it's strong recreationally for just about any situation, and has helped with what little pains and discomforts I've encountered as well.


I really am not an Indica guy for the most part, but this is in my top 5. Whether or not it tastes like blueberries seems to vary a lot depending on batch and company; I've had some that tastes like pure blueberry frosting, and some that just tastes like weed. Either way, the effects are great; this is my go-to if I want to zone way in and play some FPS games, do some painting, or watch some tv; it meshes well with all of those. I used some after a tooth extraction as my pain med of choice; it didn't knock out the nerves, so I could still feel the gauze, but it was like feeling with my fingers tips; the "pain" sensation on the nerves was so far removed I didn't care about it, leaving just the feeling of something being there.

Herbs House

This place has quickly become my new go-to, even over home delivery. I've never checked out the whole cafe aspect, but I like the feel of the place; I always pass other people coming and going who I'd never suspect smoked from the way they dress and act, and we always smile and exchange hellos. It's full of awesome stoner humor and references, but the place doesn't feel like "a place where you buy drugs" - and honestly, that's the feel I've gotten at every other shop I've been to. They seem narrowly and exceptionally suited to both professionals who use casually and new users who are looking to experiment without feeling uncomfortable about the whole experience, or need a little guidance. As a relatively new user myself, I appreciate both the vibe of the place and the attitude of the staff. I've been in Seattle so long I've forgotten what employees who talk to you out of more than obligation are like, haha. These folks are always both really friendly and happy to help. I went in today after a tooth removal, and two of the guys behind the counter chatted with me for awhile despite the slurred mess I made I talking. They recommended I try a cannalope kush blend they had in, and I'd happily mention their names, but this stuff is so good I totally forgot what the guy said they were. The prices are decent, especially on many of the pre-rolls. There are ways and places to get a little cheaper, but honestly, the price difference is generally the 9.6% sales tax between HH and other shops. If I was really scraping I'd try elsewhere, but other than that they have a good rotation and are real with you about which ones aren't as good. Between the atmosphere, friendliness, and not getting recommended crappy stuff just to move stock, they've exceeded other shops I've tried by enough to be my regular source.

OG Kush

The version I tried was "Jurassic OG Kush," which may or may not be the same thing; I'm not entirely sure. Either way, this is a great indica-dominant hybrid; it's relaxing, a little bit uplifting, and extremely mellow. Certain effects also make this a great strain for sharing with a partner or S/O.