
member since 2014

Recent Reviews5 total

Purple Arrow

I was surprisingly shocked for the price I paid (which was very good) that it was such a good strain. Comes on instantly, hits strong and goes straight to the head. As for the pain, I would have to disagree. This would not work well for people with chronic pain. PA did help with nausea very well though. Kept me happy, stress-free, and calm. My motivation goes down on this strain, but not so low that I can't do anything and am couch locked. I still managed normal house duties such as helping with homework, cooking meals, cleaning, etc-but with a little more effort than I would like. Taste is pretty good- some earth flavors and a very faint sweet taste at times. Small buds, and easily turns to shake quickly which was a downer for me. Smell isn't over powering and is light. If you are coming home from a long day at work, this is a great strain to unwind with. Will help you sleep like a champ.

Super Silver Haze

SSH is very uplifting. It can make you very talkative and creative however the creative part is not intense as other strains can be. It keeps your mind occupied enough to do a few tasks at hand but if you are wanting to use creativity for writing and dancing, SSH will not help you with that. Great strain for getting up and starting your morning and keeps you focused. My family has benefited from many nights of me using SSH and them receiving 5 star restaurant meals at home because I was motivated more than usual and felt like I could add that much cooking into my already busy day. The taste is nothing spectacular. It doesn't taste bad, but it's not something that will make your toes curl. The taste is similar from a pipe or even a bong. Great for my OCD-kept it at bay enough that I could tolerate well, but I was very aware of my tolerance and still at times had to react on specifics.

Ghost Train Haze

Great strain that allows me to concentrate on one task at hand. I don't think I could handle adding in a second task especially if it meant more work, but I can concentrate quite well with one. Creativity is great on GTH. Has a very faint taste of earth, but immediately goes to a light citrus. Smell is minimal. There is a fine line with this strain for me. If I smoked more than normal, I was couch locked. I tend to stay away from that during the day. This sativa can feel like an indica at times.

Hindu Kush

This has been my favorite indica that I have had. I struggle at finding it anymore, but it could be just the dispensaries I am going to. The taste is immediately noticeable. Earth hands down. Even the odor of the strain is earthy just in itself. It taste wonderful if you like earth tastes. Within a few minutes of inhaling, you will feel it. It's very calming. You will be relaxed. If you smoke too much, you will definitely fall asleep. This is great for insomnia. If you struggle with insomnia this would be my #1 to go to strain for bed. It helped me to sleep so well, that my weekly nightmares stopped or I just had no memory of them, because I would wake up just fine. Because of this strain right here, I was able to quit taking prescribed sleeping pills that had so many horrible side effects. If you smoke enough to not sleep, but to just relax, your mind will wander a lot. If you don't mind that, then great. If you are trying to watch Inception and relax, you may get frustrated. So keep your brain at chill mode on HK. Any abdominal pain, i.e. cramps, or just 'good ole' IBS literally cease on HK. No pain. You will get hungry though. I had to plan my munchies accordingly if I was not planning on sleeping on HK. My eyes did not get red on HK. However, others that were with me had red eyes quickly. No dry mouth as well.

Dutch Treat

I have had Dutch Treat many times. I do have a higher tolerance, so if you are looking for that 'buzz' from DT, I didn't see it. DT is great for anxiety. Large crowds no longer became a problem with DT. I was able to mingle comfortably as needed with large groups as well as stay focused on my task at hand. The taste is some earth and some sweet, however the sweet is hit and miss. It will allow you to relax and or handle multi-tasking, however, I was struggling when I did not have more than one task at hand while high on DT. It's great for work, exercise even. I found myself doing yoga a lot on DT. If you are wanting to just 'chill' on the couch and watch TV, it may work for a short while, but you may get the need to get up and do something. No creativity involved in DT, but again, it will let you get a lot done. I did have quite a bit of dry mouth with this strain. I rarely get dry mouth on a normal basis, so to go from literally none to the Sahara Desert was a bit much for me. As long as I had something to drink at hand, it was perfectly fine. My eyes were much drier on DT than other strains before. Nothing good old Visine can't fix.