Mission Georgetown: Adult Use Menu
I really used to be a big fan of this place, but the last few times I've experienced customer service unlike anything I've ever seen. Despite having spent over 7,000 USD over the course of a year at this location, you'd figure a modicum of common sense would endure. It did not.
I was encountered by the identity verification attendant, who scanned my id card and verified that it was legitimate, called over her supervisor to take a look. I was denied entry, after having been served by both the ID verification attendant and the supervisor who simply wouldn't accept my ID, even though it was valid and that their systems accepted it.
Further, after explaining that I had driven an hour and a half to get my modest purchase, it was explained to me that my ID, which was untattered and legitimate with no physical blemishes, was not acceptable for no good reason. I pressed them to please understand that I was a superior customer and a loyalty club member, was turned away. Having driven an hour and a half I requested that a member simply allow me to use the restroom before I left and I was denied that as well.
I can't tell you how absolutely and stunningly bad customer service this was, and I can't completely blame the Supervisor who was named Chris, it's clearly illegal policy from up on high.
Even the supervisor admitted that the ID would be accepted by nearly anyone, including police, but would not be accepted there. This, after spending thousands of dollars over the past year and introducing more than 5 people to their loyalty program.
I sought an opportunity to express my complaint to their higher-ups, but unfortuantely the company that oversees these Mission establishments do not want to hear from their customers and do not have a way to contact them directly. Hence why I am here.
I originally gave this location a 5 star rating, and regularly dropped at least 20 USD as a tip for the budtenders.
I will not be returning unless I receive some positive verification that changes are made to their process, allowing their supervisors to use their best judgement instead of turning away a good customer who is 45 years old with a valid state ID.
I believe that this won't come, some lame excuses will be made. Fortunately, I've found other venues who are more than happy to accept my valid state ID and my money going forward.
Mission's loss.