
member since 2015

Recent Reviews3 total

Big Bud

I think anyone who compare this cannabis cup winner with regular smoke should realize they do not have the true Big Bud. Come on. Do you honestly think you have a true champion but it only is of Mexican brown quality. Its a great strain and sorry to.those who were screwed but research is key to get what you want. Don't purchase skunk 1 its extinct. Big Bud was a clone only strain so find out what male had been used to create the 50% Big Bud x ? .,I would want N. L. 5 or skunk 1 as the cross. Don't ever take a banks word for it it as it is a mistake!

Skunk 1

If you smoked Skunk 1 and say stick with the hazes then you undoubtedly didn't get to smoke the true old school skunk1 as the true skunk 1 is superior to all strains in flavor, power and overall quality! I disagree with anyone that says haze is better had the more modern skunk 1 as the old school strain is extinct for the most part!

Skunk 1

Hey Greenone I was wondering which bank has the original or the closest one to the original out there. I had stock of it Northern lights, Big Bud, Hash plant, early girl, early pearl, afghani, and numerous old strains from the early to late 80's by my uncle ordering them before the internet was really around. He passed away and left all his crosses to me and a close family member when he passed away in 06. unfortunately in this country the laws are coming around one state at a time but upon me transporting them the police pulled me over and seized every single seed which included 37 sandwich bags full of the strains he crossed or stabilized and 13,800$ in cash, my car, my Grandmas jewelery which one ring appraised for 9300$ and the other for 6700$ plus all her gold necklaces, bracelets, and five other rings. oh yeah and seven pill bottles full of seeds. I popped some in 99 and the strain was so awesome I have never smelled another that could be in our basement while outside but this one I could smell three streets away. It tasted so sweet and I couldn't even begin to describe the flavor as it tasted better than anything I ever encountered to this day 16 years later! my brother's wife got mad and destroyed everything mother and clones. I doubt ill encounter anything remotely as good as her! sweet taste even dried in the microwave which was stupid it had its flavor in 5 weeks and between five of us that smoke had us all ripped almost in a hallucinogenic state. lol. I wish I could find the old strains we had and try to get that one sweet and earthy almost tasting smoke we had but living in the supposed land of the free gives no freedom of the least harmful plant and feed lies as they have done for years. Even upon legalization of the cannabis plant Here in the USA I will never let them collect tax revenue off my strains I purchase or receive since our country is legalizing it one state after the other to tax it as they see dollar signs! I just want to purchase or receive what the state of Missouri stole from us and now will be legalizing it in a year or so. It makes me very upset I lost all of that and 7 months of my life over seeds that were harmless to all that have them. I would have shared the strain with the world for free just so all individuals like cannabis could taste and feel the effects of that one strain that came from seed created over almost two decades as I am a giver that wants everyone to have the best strains and preserve the old strains that started the white widow, Jack Herrer, and many more bionic breeds! point me in the right direction as I am going to try till I die to figure out what crosses were used in creation of it to have it back and pray I can get it to a place that keep old strains and never do away with them because a new one is better. what if ruderalis and hermies become the only thing left by feminized seed being prone to become hermies under less stress, autos cannot be cloned or mothered out. what happens when true males do not exist to get pollen and autos bred in lose the gentic property to be cloned and feminization turns seeds to strains that ultimately produce a majority of hermies? then all will wish the true old school strains had been preserved to fix the problem! I wish I could find old school originals but greed and ripoffs/knock offs are being sold by a lot of banks and I want to know which banks will send them here and I get what I pay for!