
member since 2015

Recent Reviews2 total

D2 Dispensary Cannabis Destination + Drive Thru

Be careful. They have text message specials. 2 weeks ago i took them up on their offer of 2 grams of concentrates for $60. The text message said tax was included. I ordered online so that I wouldn't have to wait. I get there and check in, told them I ordered online. More than 10 minutes later, they call me back. I told them I ordered online. They didn't have the order, but proceeded to fill it for me. I reiterated I wanted the $60 special. She said, Ok. She came back with my order and charged me $60. I paid with my debit card. 3 days later, on my bank website, i saw the transaction from D2 dispensary. It was for $64, not $60. Then last week, I bought the $60 special again. I forgot about the $4 extra charge. The next day I remembered and checked my bank account. Again I was overcharged. Lesson: pay cash so they can't alter any transaction after the fact. As far as the quality of their shatter/ wax, it's inconsistent. But it always seems like it's not purged/cured enough. Strong solvent aftertaste. One day, i was baking edibles. I needed to decarboxylate the shatter for higher THC potency. After 20 minutes, the shatter was filled with air bubbles proving my point of under finished product. I put it in my vacuum purged and finished it properly. YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR! HOPE THIS HELPS, Thanks, The TUCSON CANNABIST

Tucson SAINTS (Southern Arizona Integrated Therapies)

Besides the mostly grumpy guy behind the glass (I'm guessing he's the owner), the crew is friendly. They need more training before throwing most if their employees out on the floor. There is 1 guy who knows the most, cuz the other workers always ask him what's up. But these guys are not going to be the ultimate demise of this business. It is their growers. I see peeps on here complaining about high prices..... hello!? Have you not been to another dispensary in town? This place has $180 & $217 ounces! The problem is it's ALWAYS dry, brown and very little aroma. The aroma that is there is of a dirtyesque stench. Unlike their closest competitor, 2.63 miles east, BTW, they don't put the potency levels on their jars. Sometimes, occasionally, Leafly will have a % under that strain, but that IS NOT THEIR THC %, it's the average % of posted %'s on the Internet. Or its straight copied from High Times. But it CERTAINLY IS NOT THEIRS. I took it home and used the basic testing method found in most high school labs, color chromatography test kit. Using a cannabis specific color chart obtained from 3 Certified Marijuana Testing Labratories throughout the U.S. over the last 5 years. FYI, they don't use Color Chromatography method. At minimum, they use Gas Chromatography with equipment costing in the 20,000 dollar plus range. Color Chromatography kits can be found for 150-250 bucks. There is no comparison of Color Chromatography vs. any of the standard methods used by pro labs. Color Chromatography is inferior. However, it is the easiest and most affordable method that home growers use to test their own grows. And in testing, I found their own grown strains, of the $300 per zip variety, to be at best, 11% THC. The 217 per zip variety was less in THC %, and the 180 per zip was even less. Proving you get what you pay for. Their Super Critical, for instance, did push over the 19% THC level. That is ir at the time was priced in the 375 a zip range. To be fair, Color Chromatography is subjective. However, the variance is 1.5%. So at most, add 1.5% to my findings, if you feel inclined or question my test. In comparison, the place down the street, tested within .5% of all 5 strains I tested. Their prices are quite higher. The biggest difference between the 2 are in trichomes. The funniest thing is that this place, SAIT, will give you a loupe if you ask, to look microscopically at the trichomes. They must obviously be banking that you have no clue what you are looking at. If they thought you were weed-grower-educated they would not give that to you. THEIR WEED HAS NO TRICHOMES! To me, a long time grower, 317 the most at one time, here in Tucson, but with over 6,000 total in my life (I log them all!) that I have bloomed from seed or from clone, and spent 1000's of hours looking through a loupe and microscope. This place has no trichomes! IMO, it's as if they stripped them off to make their wax! Classic maneuver! I'm not saying they do this, their growers could just grow a poor quality of bud or they don't cure them properly. Definitely storing them in clear glass containers, under the lights of the store, opening the lids all day for customers (I know, how else you sample that "aroma"!?) To smell or to loupe before buying! But that is the worst way. And then that is the Bud they give you! This owner needs to be trained better on growing so he knows what his growers are growing. That's gonna be their demise. In the mean time, you get what you pay for. Up the street and around the corner is worth comparing. Too bad I don't have a dispensary. You'd be AMAZED at the difference!