I was impressed with Kanna dispensary as soon as I drove up to the entrance. Seeing a guard out front really put me at ease. The parking lot is not shared by other businesses and is separated from the road with a small wooden fence. Being an older woman alone I felt very safe. The guards check Id’s before a person enters the establishment. The guards are very nice and I am glad they are right there in uniform looking professional.
The reception area is small with a couple of people working the front desk. The restroom is off to the left side around a corner. I noticed it as I was walking out of the dispensary area.
The dispensary area has an old western bank feel to it. It kind of felt like an historical place even though I know it is not. But maybe in a hundred years the property may have some historic value considering it is the first medical marijuana business in Sun Valley. The dispensary clerks are behind windows with bars and the room is kind of dark. The display area has an open feel. It is just a clean square room with display cases lining the walls. The cannabis and other products are neatly displayed and easy to see.
The prices for their products are comparable to other dispensaries in town and the staff is knowledgeable.
Driving to Kanna from the North Valley is pleasant compared to driving into Reno or Sparks.
There are a variety of products not just with THC but products that have a small amount of THC and a high amount of CBD. Some people like myself need more of the CBD than THC.
Because of the physical presence of security guards this establishment is a good place to go for women and seniors who are alone compared to another place in town that I went to when I first got my medical marijuana card.
I definitely will make this my go to place. The people working there are very nice and knowledgeable