This is a PERFECT strain for both my glaucoma and back pain. It is a VERY relaxing strain😊 VERY STRONG but I make tinctures from consentrate so that makes it easier to control the strength. This strain get 👍👍👍👍 from me😊
This strain produces SUCH VIVID COLORS and SHARP details to the world for me. I have glaucoma and I used eye drops to control the pressure in my eyes until a year ago. I decided to try MMJ for my glaucoma not expecting any real change. Boy was I surprised and SO DAMN EXCITED when I received my results this last November from my glaucoma test, the pressure has gone from 17-20 to 13 in my eyes and my eyesight has improved? So you guys be the judge. I was diagnosed 5 years ago with glaucoma and the ONLY thing to bring the pressure down and improve my sight was MMJ, I'm just saying? It is worth trying. I haven't used eye drops for over a year now, NO NEED for them anymore. I realize not everyone will get as good of a reaction from MMJ as I do but damn maybe just maybe someone else can experience this AMAZING new world I have found? Seeing the world in REAL TRUE color and vividness is just AMAZING! I am a LIFER!!! If it keeps my glaucoma at bay and I can continue to see the world the way I do today there's NO GOING BACK! Oh and I am the MOST PRODUCTIVE I have been in years!
I REALLY enjoy this strain. I use the consentrate because I don't smoke it. I have glaucoma and because jack straw is high in THC it really helps. I have the most AMAZING effects, things are brighter more vivid! It is the MOST AWESOME way to see the world. Full of color and just SO CRISP AND VIVID. I can also be EXTREMELY PRODUCTIVE throughout my day as well. I am SUPER EXCITED about this. Since I have started the medical MMJ my pressure is at 13 from a 17-20 and my eyesight has actually improved! I kept silent about trying it because I REALLY wanted to see if the medical could actually work for my glaucoma so I waited almost a full year then had my regular glaucoma exam and even my ophtamitrist (eye doctor) was impressed. I only shared with him the change to MMJ after he had the test results. I feel VERY BLESSED because I am one of the lucky ones that MMJ actually has helped and stopped the progression of my glaucoma. At least it's under control right now, how long it lasts I won't know until I have a few years of eye exams under my belt, but I will tell you this, I plan on enjoying this new found color and vividness! I was diagnosed 5 years ago with glaucoma and was prescribed eye drops and until the MMJ my pressure remained over 17-20 in my eyes in a years time it went from 17-20 to 13 and my eye sight improved so you guys be the judge. I UNDERSTAND not everyone will get this same response but it's worth letting you all know that there are success stories out here. Best part of it is I function BETTER than I ever have?