
member since 2012

Recent Reviews22 total

Green Thumb Academy

I'm pissed off. I got 4 prerolls on Sunday. I got home and broke open my Sweet Dream, and it was sugar leaves. I don't particularly like joints, so I broke it up. I was blown away. That was OBVIOUSLY shake. I bought a 9 dollar preroll that weighed .39 of a gram. It was shake. I'm still so pissed off. I'm going to expose GTA. Watch. Plus, do the math. Learn some statistics. GTA has almost 400 reviews, they've been open since about 4/20. Can't remember the exact date, but it's around there. Either people review GTA at about 3 times the statistical average of other clubs, or something is up, here. They have more reviews than clubs that are 5x older. You'll notice that after a rash of negative reviews, many of the screen names have never reviewed any other club. They just show up after GTA has received many negative reviews, and they never post on leafly again. Either this is a major statistical anomaly, or something is going on here. My evaluation is that GTA is reviewing themselves. Plus, the prices are CRAZY high. Non-profit? I'm an accountant. Really, GTA? I'm pissed off I got ripped off, and you don't want to piss off an OCD stoner. I'm gonna expose you.

Uptown Caregivers

What's funny? I go in every other or every third day and pick up a couple eights. Sometimes I buy an eight and a few prerolls. Sometimes, I just buy an eight so I can come back and hang out the very next day or next with the pretty young ladies for a few minutes. Heh. I enjoy the atmosphere of a club and I have the money. As such, I don't need any sort of hook up for volume and am happy to pay full suggested donation per eight. Even going through around 4+/- a week. I understand there are people who can't do that. But I want Uptown to know that I can. And will, as long as they are consistently carrying the best. I say the requested donations are fine. Just a difference of opinion, I guess.

Cannabis Kulture

Alright. A compromise... AZ CPC is a good club. They have a few minor issues, but they seem to really care about their established patients. More so than most clubs. Their weed stands out above almost everyone in town and they've come down on their donations from the 70 an 1/8th for top shelf to 60, which was nice. I adjusted my rating for 5 star medication and 5 star service. 5 star meds because there are so few clubs in the valley with good meds, and AZ CPC has some of the best. 5 star for service, because they engage the patients, and the front desk staff is excellent. I gave atmosphere a 2 because I can't give a 2.5. There are still a few minor issues, and the location is about average, but this is a pretty good club. All in all, an average of 4 is about what I feel they deserve, and I feel they could fix a few things to bring the atmosphere up to get them closer to a 5.

AMI (Closed. Now The Holistic Center AZ)

This is a nice little place. Very clean, very professional looking on the inside, even if lacking slightly in decor. Seems like maybe they could move into a smaller location, cause the large amount of empty space kind of wigged me out. But that's more of a me thing than a them thing, so I still gave them a 5 for atmosphere. The service, I have got to say, it was nice not feeling like the budtender was higher than I am. Not that I have anything against budtenders who smoke, it is just I don't want to feel like I'm talking to someone who can barely hold their head up. A little professionalism goes a long ways, and this place the professionalism is definitely not lacking. The weed, I think I picked up Girl Scout Cookies, and it was definitely legit. Some of the better tasting GSC I have found in the valley, and definitely a great high. This is a great little place. I wish it was closer to me, I'd probably go back a little more often, but if I'm ever up North I'll definitely stop by again.

Pineapple Express

This is one of my personal favorites. It's a great heady high. Really good for getting things done, but be careful. If you smoke too much and try to get things done, like go grocery shopping, you might end up getting the giggles in the parking lot of the grocery store, and then you might end up getting home and looking through your groceries like... "Why in the hell did I buy most of this stuff?"

This place has become my go to. The other night, I texted at about 7:15, asking if they were delivering. I think they replied back they were, but they were out making a run right now. Cool, I texted my order and waited. Bout 15 til 8, I started getting a little anxious, cause I hate running out of smoke, so texted my order again. They replied yup, they're still coming. Cool. Texted about 15 or 20 minutes later that they had to stop for gas, then would be on their way. They got to my place about 8:30, 30 minutes past their posted closing time. A lot of places would have just told me they were busy, or just ignored me. I appreciate that. In addition, I've been back a few times, and the weed is always legit. The pinepple express was a dang good smoke, and they were asking a 220 donation an ounce when it was on special. It was a great heady high, although probably not for you if you're looking for a body high. I wished I trusted places enough to get an ounce. I hate buying a large quantity, and you get it and wished you hadn't. Next time, I won't miss the special, whatever it is. Also, the newer master bubba, it smokes great, looks great, but it does taste a little fresher than it should. Really really fresh cut grass smelling. Not sure if it was a little too fresh, or wasn't burped. It didn't affect the quality, at all, though. It just didn't have that real kushy smell you'd expect from a master bubba mix. All in all though, good people with a good product for a good donation price. You can't beat that. Thanks guy, I'll see you in a bit.

Med Ex

Hey, they must be running a 20 free seed special!!! Buy one eighth of Fruity Pebbles, and you'll find 20 seeds in your bud, FREE! Come on down to Med Ex for your free 20 seed special! I hope leafly allows sarcasm in their reviews.

The Diamond Club

So I was scanning leafly this morning, and saw a new vapor lounge up the street from me, and they open at 9 o'clock. Great. Lemme give them a call and see if they are open, at 10 after 9. The lady who answered the phone was obviously asleep. I asked her if they were open, and she informed me that they were supposed to be open, but they weren't because "he went back to bed. I just woke him up half an hour ago... we'll be open in 20 minutes." Alright, then. I give it about 20 minutes, and head up. They're closed. I hit up burger king up the street and get some breakfast, and head back up. I wait in the parking lot until about 10:15 or so, and noone ever showed, except for one other customer who waited for a few minutes, then left. I dunno man. It doesn't give me much hope. That, and the location is horrible. Wedged in a strip mall between a drive-thru liquor store and a smoke shop. Not a deal-breaker, but definitely not impressive.

Phoenix Caregivers

Received a call that you are no longer offering on-site exchanges for donations, but you're doing deliveries through Jason? With all due respect to everyone, Jason tried to argue with me as to whether or not "Mendo OG" contained any purps. It's f'in mendo, for Jesus' sake. Mendocino purple is only one of the most famous purples. What the hell else would Mendo OG mean? Anywho, bummer on the closing of my go to club.

