Archive Portland (Rec & Med)
Well that last review right there is proof that not every idiot with a keyboard should be allowed to leave reviews that can impact people’s businesses or jobs. Tyrel is my favorite budtender in Portland, period. The dude knows his stuff, not just the product on the shelf, but the history, chemistry, growing, caretaking, cultivating, harvesting, extracting, and culture. And if he didn’t offer to let you stick your nose in a jar, it’s likely because your nose presented a health hazard to whoever came in after you. Budtenders are trained to serve people to the best of their ability without exposing customers to anything hazardous, so if you weren’t offered the chance to smell the weed, it’s probably because he respectfully didn’t want to draw attention to the hazard you presented to the product. Check your hygiene before you make a baseless complaint. It really grinds my gears when ignorant customers call out specific employees who not only are just doing their jobs, but doing them well.
Archive is great because it’s employees are great, and to me, Tyrel is at the top of that list. Get to know your budtenders and they’ll get to know you. Ty knows me by name, knows what I like, and has gone above and beyond on multiple different occasions to make sure his customers are taken care of. When my brother came in and bought clones, I told him he should only go in if Ty is working. To prove my point Tyrel spent almost his entire lunch break answering my bro’s questions and offering him advice and tips OFF THE CLOCK! That’s actual customer service from someone who cares about what they selling and Archive caught an actual gem when they hired this guy.