After a not particularly pleasant experience with Durban Poison the night before, I tried MTF. I had a medium sized hit ( ima lightweight) and let it go to work. At the peak a few minutes later, I had a kind of "drunky" feeling. That feeling subsided pretty quickly and turned into a sort of focused feeling resulting in me making a salad with greater attention to detail than I normally would have. It settled down into feeling quite nice with a pleasant "squeezy" feeling around my cheeks. I even had another pull off of the bowl. The second hit did not "peak". I just had a good feeling. I never felt super high although I expect consuming more would accomplish that.
THC-A 23.91%
THC 21.4%
CBD .04%
Myrcene 0.15%
Carophyllene 0.12%
Limonene 0.23%