Wow. This one is a heavy hitter. Everything was so crisp and clear. Focused. Energetic. Uplifted. You’ll definitely want to pace yourself. Frankly, I did too much and had so much energy, I didn’t know what to do with it all, but once I started doing stuff with my hands around the house, I was in heaven. I could see myself doing work with this but it’s also a great one for playing video games and watching your favorite cartoons or stand up comedian. Whatever gets you laughing. I suffer from PTSD and am prone to anxiety so you’d think I should stay away from sativas but the nose knows. This strain (to my senses) is sooo tasty and citrusy like sweet oranges and pineapples, which are some of my favorite fruits. I had a blast, lit a fire for this winter weather, and bundled up to some Bob’s Burgers. This strain did not trigger any of my symptoms. I can’t wait for my next dose.