Does exactly as it should do: relax me and loosen me up whether I'm in the middle of a stressful day or winding down at the end of it. Makes me feel like I've wiped myself clean, kind of, when I medicate with this. Couldn't really ask for much more except a little more physical energy to go with the mental energy that this provides me.
This weed is great for working and being fumctional or being lazy but still focused. Surfing the web, reading, doing tasks that don't involve a lot of physical work are the best ideas. Not quite the best just before bed however. Hard to rest your brain on this one.
This bud is happytime for an indoorsy or lazy outside day. Especially alone it seems, I enjoy this in the silence or listening to music, sometimes hard to hold a conversation either because too many thoughts at once or quietly thinking to myself... I def prefer this alone. Good for reading, Probabally good for ADHD as it seems to focus me.
EDIT: Some of that focus transforms into being lost in thought and not being able to sleep.
Very strong head high resulting from smoking this... The jury is not yet out on all the deets of what this is good for, etc,. as this is my first time with it. All I know right now is I feel good... relaxed and energized at the same time, however I haven't tried to stand up yet haha.
An okay high results at first, but overtime it just sort of deteriorates into a relaxed unresponsiveness. Makes limbs heavy, but the jury is still out as to how well it works for pain. The aroma of the buds isn't that exorbitant in this case.